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Why Laravel keeps calling schedule() with every Artisan Command?

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Laravel 5: allow user to edit post if he's the owner of the post or the owner of the forum category

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Why is validate() method accessible via request()?

What is the purpose of the authorize method in a Request class in Laravel?

Should 2FA secret codes be hashed for storage?

Laravel logs in Heroku not showing up

Middleware, how to redirect after check Laravel 5

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Laravel 5 different log levels for development and production

Laravel RuntimeException Could not scan for classes inside "database" which does not appear to be a file nor a folder

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Laravel blade custom directive with include partial

Mocking Request in Laravel 5.1 for (actual) Unit Test

Laravel 5.1 loading relationship data into selected row

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No query results for model [App\Products] Laravel

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UpdateExistingPivot for multiple ids

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How to set local timezone in laravel