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Dynamic middleware for laravel 5

While building multi-tenancy packages for Laravel 5 I had to find out how to add middleware dynamically from code. In comparison to this question on SO I do not want to touch the Http/Kernel definitions.

During application initialization I check whether the requested hostname is known in the database and whether this hostname requires a redirect to a primary hostname or ssl.

Because you don't want to touch the Http/Kernel as a package, we need to use the service provider.


  • dynamically add middleware without touching Http/Kernel
  • use service provider and response object instead of "hacks"
like image 531
Luceos Avatar asked May 11 '15 10:05


1 Answers

The solution is to dynamically register the middleware in the kernel. First write your middleware, for instance:

<?php namespace HynMe\MultiTenant\Middleware;

use App;
use Closure;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\Middleware;

class HostnameMiddleware implements Middleware
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        /* @var \HynMe\MultiTenant\Models\Hostname */
        $hostname = App::make('HynMe\Tenant\Hostname');
        if(!is_null($redirect = $hostname->redirectActionRequired()))
            return $redirect;

        return $next($request);

Now in your service provider use the following code in the boot() method to add this middleware to the Kernel:


To answer what redirectActionRequired() method does in the hostname object:

 * Identifies whether a redirect is required for this hostname
 * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|null
public function redirectActionRequired()
    // force to new hostname
        return $this->redirectToHostname->redirectActionRequired();
    // @todo also add ssl check once ssl certificates are support
    if($this->prefer_https && !Request::secure())
        return redirect()->secure(Request::path());

    // if default hostname is loaded and this is not the default hostname
    if(Request::getHttpHost() != $this->hostname)
        return redirect()->away("http://{$this->hostname}/" . (Request::path() == '/' ? null : Request::path()));

    return null;

If you need to dynamically register routeMiddleware use the following in your service provider;

$this->app['router']->middleware('shortname', Vendor\Some\Class::class);

Please add comments if you have questions about this implementation.

like image 114
Luceos Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 08:10
