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Unexpected character in input: '\' while installing Laravel 4 in a dreamhost account

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Laravel - how do you inject variables into the password reminder email

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Having with parentheses in Laravel Query Builder

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Laravel 4 : Order by in a pivot table

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Form Model Binding for checkboxes

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laravel 4: Route to controller when error occurred

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Delete rows with Laravel query builder and LEFT JOIN

Delete Elequent records older than 60 minutes

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Laravel: Cant set JSON utf-8 charset

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Reloading DataTables AJAX with Laravel

What is the proper way to save form data in Laravel (using an injected model)?

updateOrCreate - Mass Assignment Exception in Laravel

How to add coupon to *Stripe subscription* with Laravel Cashier after subscription already created

Laravel: running artisan gives me "Unexpected character in input" error

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Laravel Eloquent doesn't update only inserting

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