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Laravel form binding with one to one relationships

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Laravel - How to use a vendor class?

Laravel 4 - URI Parameters in Implicit Controllers

How do I solve "Target [Interface] is not instantiable" in Laravel 4?

Use custom function in Controller when using resource in routes - Laravel

Laravel Get newly inserted id from a relationship on save

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Laravel 4: save a polymorphic relationship's record: undefined method newQuery()

Sorting timestamps in Eloquent

Why Laravel still logging a NotFoundHttpException while all routes works?

Laravel 4 multilanguage routing

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Queuing email in Laravel 4 with sync driver

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Parse date from mysql to carbon object and then transform into local timezone

Create migration from existing database in Laravel 4

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Laravel 4: Class does not exist

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Laravel doesn't read HTTP request payload for PUT request

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Where does Laravel store configuration for memcached session driver?

Laravel - Change created_at to use unix timestamp

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Laravel constants in class Facades

How to change Database in Validator in Laravel

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