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New posts in kubernetes-deployment

Updating a deployment that uses a ReadWriteOnce volume will fail on mount

What is the difference between current and available pod replicas in kubernetes deployment?

scale down kubernetes deployments to 0 and scale back to original number of replica sets

Cannot create a deployment that requests more than 2Gi memory

Kubernetes: How to set boolean type variable in configMap

helm rollback fails to identify the failed deployments when re-triggered

Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim mounted with wrong gid

Helm wait till dependency deployment are ready on kubernetes

kubectl drain and rolling update, downtime

Kubernetes Secret TLS Certificate P12 and Spring Boot Deployment doesn't work

Setup securityContext inside kubernetes deployment

Kubernetes "the server doesn't have a resource type deployments"

K8S deployments with shared environment variables

How to select a specific pod for a service in Kubernetes

defining 2 ports in deployment.yaml in Kubernetes

RBAC role to manage single pod with dynamic name

K8S Pod with startupProbe and initialDelaySeconds specified waits too long to become Ready

Why labels are mentioned three times in a single deployment

Why do we need a port/containerPort in a Kuberntes deployment/container definition?