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New posts in kindle-fire

Android Emulator Reports 600x1024 MDPI as XLarge?

SDK options is not available for Kindle Fire in Eclipse?

How can I detect kindle fire with javascript?

ADB cannot detect my Kindle Fire on Windows 7, but Device Manager can

Does Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) work with Kindle Fire?

android kindle-fire

Push notifications / C2DM for Kindle Fire?

Emulator for Amazon Kindle

Kindle Fire SilkBrowser Reading View CSS

Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire HD, think different

How to distinguish if the Android app runs on Amazon Kindle Fire?

android kindle-fire

How to embed a high-resolution icon in a non-Amazon-AppStore Kindle Fire app?

android kindle kindle-fire

How to configure an Android emulator for the Kindle Fire?

How do I connect to Kindle Fire for development?

android kindle-fire

Detect app is running on Kindle Fire


Debugging android apps on the kindle fire