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New posts in kafka-producer-api

What happens if offset specified by kafka consumer is not present in Broker?

How to guarantee order in Kafka partition

spark kafka producer serializable

Kafka Producer TimeOutException

push multiple Line Text as one message in a kafka topic

Difference in kafka 0.8 with kafka 0.10

kafka producers are very slow

ERROR org.apache.kafka.common.utils.KafkaThread - Uncaught exception in thread 'kafka-producer-network-thread

Kafka DefaultPartitioner algorithm

Difference between request.timeout.ms and timeout.ms properties of Kafka producer

Kafka Producer: Got error produce response with correlation NETWORK_EXCEPTION

How to determine API version of Kafka?

Transactional Producer vs Just Idempotent Producer Java (Exception OutOfOrderSequenceException)

Python librdkafka producer perform against the native Apache Kafka Producer

How to fix kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Expiring 1 record(s) xxx ms has passed since batch creation plus linger time

What happens if I don't close the kafka producer

Kafka producer send blocks indefinitely when kafka servers are down

Guidelines to handle Timeout exception for Kafka Producer?

What's the best way to design message key in Kafka?