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Are JVM implemented languages like Jython using Java underneath or are they using the JVM native?

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Why doesn't JVM compile "incrementing a int variable" as an atomic Fetch-and-Increment opereation?

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How does Java Runtime annotation work internally? [closed]

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Is the Java Virtual Machine included with all Java softwares?

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Measure thread contention on particular monitor

Can the JVM overwrite all its memory on shutdown

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How does Eclipse show the startup interface so fast

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javac command not working in linux environment

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Does Java ever rebias an individual lock

how to determine if Java heap is using compressed pointers and whether or not resides at address 0 in memory?

Why is the constant pool (in Java classfile) indexed from 1 (and not 0)? What is the constant_pool[0] entry reserved for?

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java JVM bytecode notation, comment grammar. InvokeDynamic

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Java stream sorted() behavior is depending on next takeWhile() calling

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how fragile is escape analysis in Hotspot in simple cases such as iterator in for-each loop

Understanding the Sun JVM [closed]

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What are the different parts of the heap specified in the hs_err_pid file?

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Websphere Classloading

How can JVM implementations like Jython and JRuby beat their native counterparts?

What versions of java are slow for gc logging?

Enabling JVM options with Java Web Start / JNLP

java jvm java-web-start jnlp