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New posts in jquery-ui

Can jQuery copy an element's bounds (position, size, margins, etc.) to another element?

jquery droppable error

javascript jquery jquery-ui

how to set id in jquery ui autocomplete source event

Small jQuery datepickers (CSS question)

With Jquery ui's draggable, how do you change the revert on stop?

jQuery sending mouseevents down the z-axis

jQuery UI droppable: resizing element on hover not working

How to store a internal property in jquery-ui widget?

JQuery UI Slider - Combined Max for multiple sliders that also have individual max values

Jquery add month to selected date

jquery jquery-ui

Error in the background/overlay of a jQuery dialog widget with the modal option

Looking for a draggable checkbox list control for HTML/JQuery

jquery html jquery-ui

jqueryui dialog to gray out screen

how can I customize jquery widget by passing arguments and overriding my own callback?

JQuery UI snapping to a grid within an element

Opening jQuery UI Dialog box with dynamic content

jQuery UI Slider with fixed minimum: show minimum range, not minimum absolute value?

jquery ui timepicker onChange Event

How to prevent jquery.ui.dialog from scrolling window to the top (when called programaticallly)

iOS web app GO keyboard button doesn't submit Ajax form