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New posts in jquery-ui-dialog

Why choose SimpleModal over jQuery UI Dialog?

MVC Knockout JS inside JQuery dialog

position jquery dialog right below the clicked event

Autocomplete not working in Dialog

Display jQuery dialog onSubmit while HTML form is processing

Removing jQuery event from #id after clicking on it (or prevent a second click)

Custom CSS scope and jQuery UI dialog themes

JQuery Clear Form on close

could not set jquery ui dialog min-width

Dialog box hide() and show() -- Jquery?

jQuery dialog confirm before opening link

Display error message in jQuery popup or in alert in MVC 4

How to use jQuery dialog with fullcalendar select callback?

Unable to style the active state of jqueryUI's Dialog close button

Number of Ajax Requests increases with live jQuery

When using select2 (v 4.0) on a jquery UI dialog, how can I get allowClear option to work when using a remote datasource?

Auto size a jQuery UI dialog in Internet Explorer

will destroying a jQuery dialog remove any handlers attached to elements inside it?

server side validation in jquery dialog

jQuery UI: Setting draggable options for the dialog