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Best jQuery Date Plugin for Dates of Extreme Difference (1000+ BC - Today)

jquery date jquery-plugins

Magento showing jQuery conflict with each other

What are good jQuery plugins to highlight code and XML content? [closed]

Error using jQuery UI Selectmenu plugin in IE

Get URL array variables in javascript/jquery

How do I use jQuery FIle Upload in a nested form?

Is there a jQuery plugin like DataTables for a <ul>?

jQuery $(this) inside a plugin function

jquery jquery-plugins this

Where to find jQuery "scrollable" modal window plugin?

jQuery selector not behaving as expected in parsed HTML from ajax

Carousel like gallery in jQuery Mobile [closed]

cannot call val() if initSelection() is not defined error in select2 plugin

jQuery watermarkinput plugin POSTs watermark values to server

jquery-plugins watermark

How to use jQuery .subscribe()?

My first jQuery plugin, where do functions and global variables go?

jquery jquery-plugins

Why do people assign $this = $(this) in many jQuery plugins?

jQuery Animated Gaussian Blur

jQuery plugin - Can't find download link

Resize and Center image with jQuery

jQuery - select invisible text overlaid on image, ala GMail PDF viewer