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New posts in jquery-autocomplete

jquery autocomplete transformResult auto focus property not working

jQuery UI autocomplete caching using $.map function

jQuery autocomplete - get the id of the autocomplete input field

Combining a local source and remote source in jquery ui autocomplete

jquery ui autocomplete: count results

Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'autocomplete'

jQuery UI custom AutoComplete - `_renderItem` and `_renderMenu` not working

JQuery UI Autocomplete, value after select (by mouse) is different than (by arrow-keys)

Jquery autocomplete is not working

jQuery UI Autcomplete: POST instead of GET

jQuery autocomplete - optimization question

How to trigger autocomplete search event

jQuery autocomplete plugin using a Django database/model

Bootstrap Typeahead updater not working

JQuery autocomplete server-side matching

Jquery ui combobox (autocomplete) disappears

Getting jQuery and AngularJS content assist / auto-complete in eclipse for standalone HTML "file"

iframe disappears for no apparent reason after dynamically creating it