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Java/Hibernate JPA: InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS and IDs

Easy way to save basic auditing data on domain objects?

java jpa persistence dns audit

Logging JDBC/Hibernate/JPA transaction isolation levels

Hibernate throws PK violation error

JPA ConstraintViolation vs Rollback

hibernate jpa eclipselink

Why does IntelliJ's JPA inspection tell me "more than one attribute configured for field 'id'"?

jpa intellij-idea

ERROR: HHH000299: Could not complete schema update java.lang.NullPointerException

JPA2: @Min constraint for float

java jpa entity

JPA Select Count Distinct

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Hibernate merge and flush do not persist changes to an object

How to save Lists of Lists (List<List<String>> list) in JPA and Hibernate

java spring hibernate jpa orm

Specifying whether or not to lazily load with Spring Data

Weblogic Error: Caused by: weblogic.transaction.internal.AppSetRollbackOnlyException: setRollbackOnly called on transaction

Persist/commit not working in test environment with Spring JPA JUnit

java spring hibernate jpa junit

Syntax error parsing JPQL: An identification variable must be provided for a range variable declaration

How to search date field for a String using JPA Criteria API

java mysql jpa

JPA native query returns Double or BigDecimal

java postgresql jpa wildfly-9

Increase the size of elements in a @ElementCollection

java mysql hibernate jpa h2

Can we build Spring Data JPA specification out of a composite key attribute

spring jpa spring-data-jpa

Could not open connection caused by This ResultSet is closed