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New posts in jira

How to assign multiple users to a Jira Task


Jira Rest Api Nested MaxResults (get all worklog within time period)

.net jira

Jira API issueLink connect two different instances

jira jira-rest-api

Jira Conventions and Best-Practices

jira issue-tracking

Is there a way to have cross-project fixVersions in Jira?


Is there a way to show commits on subtasks of stories in a Jira scrum board?

jira scrum scrumboard

Integrating Basecamp with JIRA [closed]

Any best practices for integrated usage of svn, Jira and Bamboo? [closed]

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JIRA - the date/time format of versions on a project


Create an Issue with Jira API REST

Listing All JIRA Transitions via API

jira jira-rest-api

Jira: Status tracking for multiple versions

jira bug-tracking

How to get to the avatar/image of a Jira user through SOAP or other means

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JIRA REST API and kerberos authentication

How to better organize iOS and Android apps project management for the same project in JIRA

Gitlab commit messages link to JIRA

jira gitlab

Python jira 401 recoverable error using basic auth

python jira

Mark a Jira ticket fixed from within an SVN commit

svn jira

AttributeError: 'Magic' object has no attribute 'cookie' while using python-jira

Restrict certain JIRA developers to a single project in JIRA 4.4
