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New posts in jenkins-job-dsl

Groovy slash operator (Jenkins job-dsl)

Jenkins DSL Plugin: How to create a job in an existing jenkins View?

How to call functions in one Jenkins Shared Library from another

How to use Jenkins JobDSL to set 'Check out to specific local branch' in Git Plugin?

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Can a Job DSL script be tested

Using Jenkins Job DSL to set "Polling ignores commits in certain paths" for Git plugin


Jenkins xml configuration to Groovy-based Jenkins Job DSL

Initializing Jenkins 2.0 with pipeline in init.groovy.d script

How can I delete a job using Job DSL plugin(script) in Jenkins?

Can a single seed job process DSLs from multiple repos?

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How does DSL extension in Jenkins plugin work

How can I use Jenkins Sidebar Link Plugin in pipeline step?

Exit code to set build unstable - Jenkins DSL Scripting

Using Jenkins Job-DSL Configure block to place custom steps in particular positions

How can I set the job timeout using the Jenkins DSL

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Trigger build in Jenkins when git branches are created or deleted

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Jenkins: Multiple cron expressions using the job-dsl/pipeline syntax

How to load AWS credentials in Jenkins job DSL?

How to specify Job DSL checkout timeout in Jenkins Git plugin?

How to put jobs inside a folder in jenkins?