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Tomcat JDBC Conencton Pool + MySQL gives "Broken pipe" problems, even with connection validation

ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol exception when using groovy.sql package with oracle12c

java sql jdbc groovy oracle12c

Spring-boot-application with Hive-connection doesn't start embedded Tomcat

HikariCP: What database level timeouts should be considered to set maxLifetime for Oracle 11g

Postgres Copy with null date and integer fields

java postgresql jdbc

Is it possible to refer to column names via bind variables in Oracle?

JDBC connection hanging

Parameterized Oracle SQL query in Java?

Memory leak in JDBC4Connection

Weblogic Stuck Thread on JDBC call

Access Android sqlite database from development PC

transactions in jdbi

jdbc transactions jdbi

Can PostgreSQL COPY read CSV from a remote location?

postgresql jdbc

Creating a database table if it does not exist in Java production code and confirming in JUnit

java sql jdbc junit

java.lang.ClassCastException: com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyConnection

sql database oracle jdbc

Which is the sybase driver(version) to be used in Weblogic 12c ? Where should I add the downloaded driver?

java jdbc weblogic weblogic12c

java.sql.SQLException: database connection closed

java sql sqlite jdbc

Why is JDBC dynamically loaded instead of imported? [duplicate]

JDBC: Insert timestamp in UTC

java jdbc

Auto generate key on JDBC insert in SQL Server