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Java Sound refresh Lines list after attaching a microphone

java audio javasound

java sound on linux: how to capture from TargetDataLine quickly enough to keep up?

java linux audio javasound alsa

How to capture sound from microphone with java sound API?

In Java, how do I record the sound output that is going to the speakers? [duplicate]

java audio javasound mixer

javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException : Why am I getting this exception?

java javasound

Conversion of Audio Format

java audio javasound

Java ogg to wav conversion

java audio wav javasound ogg

Java midi volume control won't work

java midi javasound

Obtain wave pattern of a audio file in Java

java audio fft javasound

javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException: could not get audio input stream from input file when loading wav file

java audio wav javasound

java midi latency

Java playing sounds. Is there a default system sound?

java audio javasound

How do you play a long AudioClip?

java javasound

Why does Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep() not work in Windows?

java javasound

Reliable sound API in Java for simple digital samples playback

java lwjgl javasound openal alsa

Simulate microphone Input

java microphone javasound

Could not get audio input stream from input stream

java javasound

Weak references and `OutOfMemoryError`s

Understanding the constructor of AudioFormat , AudioInputStream and start method

java audio javasound

In Java, is there a way to synthesize a tone of a specific frequency?