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New posts in java.util.concurrent

Java fork/join framework logic

Multithreaded execution where order of finished Work Items is preserved

implement-your-own blocking queue in java

Is it not possible to supply a thread facory or name pattern to ForkJoinPool?

java java.util.concurrent

Is it possible to get a deadlock with ConcurrentHashMap in this circumstance?

Java ArrayList - Are add() calls from one thread always readable from another?

How does ConcurrentHashMap handle rehashing?

What is adaptive spinning w.r.t lock acquisition?

Is java.util.concurrent.Future threadsafe?

Difference between Executor and ExecutorCompletionservice in java

java.util.ConcurrentModificationException in Non Multithreaded Program

Why are ConcurrentSkipListSet ascending Iterators 'faster' than descending ones?

How to do a lazy create and set with AtomicReference in a safe and efficient manner?

what's the difference between CyclicBarrier/CountDownLatch and join in Java?

ScheduledExecutorService vs Timer vs Handler

How to Block and wait using AtomicBoolean

Can I use the work-stealing behaviour of ForkJoinPool to avoid a thread starvation deadlock?

Confused by jcstress test on ReentrantReadWriteLock#tryLock failing

Long primitive or AtomicLong for a counter?

Why does java.util.concurrent.RunnableFuture have a run() method?