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New posts in java-8

multiple operations in list of complex objects with lambda

java lambda java-8

Zip two lists into an immutable multimap in Java 8 with Guava?

What is the Java's best equivalent to Javascript's OR?

java java-8

Java 8 group by String

Side effects of lambda expression in java 8

How to process object failed to satisfy the filter in java 8 stream

java java-8

sorted in stream is not applicable

Pattern to split string and store in HashMap Java 8

Valid Supplier for collect method of stream

java Optional: a good way to not having to do nested ifPresent()

java java-8

Can newer Java version (9, 10, 11) be compiled to run on older platforms (e.g Java 8)?

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How to clean code too much if else with enum

java java-8 code-cleanup

What is the Runnable representation in java.util.function?

Stream reduce vs Stream.parallel.reduce() [duplicate]

How to create a conditional sorting in Java 8

java java-8 java-stream

How can I change my for loop full of if statements into more elegant/efficient code?

CompletableFuture - Run multiple rest calls in parallel and get different result

Sum of a list of integers using Java 8

java biginteger java-8

java: Collect and combine data in a list

Break label in switch