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Unit-testing a controller that uses $http

"Stale element reference" error behavior undestanding

Why expect component to be truthy instead of defined

How to spyOn property of a Service that is a BehaviorSubject/Observable?

Testing an HTTP request with retry() and HttpClientTestingModule

Jasmine and angularjs, can't stub $httpBackend for service

angularjs jasmine

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: require at

How to share data between javascript files?

isolateScope() returning undefined when testing angular directive

Setting up Screenshot Reporter for Protractor

Expected '> ' to equal '> ' in jasmine

javascript jasmine

Angular2 + karma + protractor - run specific e2e test case

Accessing AngularJs Directive Controller

mock declare const in jasmine test

rxjs how to expect an observable to throw error

How can I effectively use Jasmine to test javascript assets packaged via Jammit?

Mock/Stub constructor

Which BDD for backbone JS applications that supports automated testing

mock angularjs service for unit testing using jasmine

angularjs jasmine

Karma hangs at Karma starting