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ios 9 launch screen is getting launched in portrait mode

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Crash on iOS9 with -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator _coordinator_you_never_successfully_opened_the_database_device_locked:]

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UIDocumentMenuViewController crashes on iPad but not on iPhone

NEVPNManager Connect to VPN in Swift

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What is the corner radius for views in iOS 8 and 9?

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Xamarin.Auth iOS9 Authentication SSL ERROR

What is the basic difference between using NSUserActivity & CoreSpotlight framework for Search programming? How to choose among them?

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Xcode 7 (iOS 9) Communications error: <OS_xpc_error: <error: 0x10a1abb40>

Is an apple developer program membership required for Push notifications for iOS

iOS 9, 10 CoreData: Failed to load optimized model at path

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accessing and downloading on demand resources iOS9

shouldAutorotate not called on view controller

UIMenuController is getting dismissed immediately after being presented

Base64 Encoding/Decoding with Swift 2

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MFMailComposeViewController navigationBar custom background color

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Is there an alternative to (the deprecated) canOpenURL in iOS 9?

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3D Touch peek and pop trouble

iOS 9 UI Testing - Test Fails Because Target Control Isn't Available (yet)

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How can i check from watchOS 2 if application on iPhone is opened or not and be able to send NSUserDefaults no matter the app status?

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Facebook Login does not return to App with Xcode 7 iOS 9