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New posts in ios15

iOS 15 Gap between navigation bar and table view [closed]

ios objective-c xcode13 ios15

"The Developer of this app needs to update it to work with this version of iOS" pop up coming when launching Enterprise app for iOS 15

xcode enterprise ios15

iOS15 - SwiftUI WheelPicker scrollable outside frame and clipped area destructing other interfaces

swiftui ios15

Disable pull-to-refresh in iOS 15 Safari

Xcode 13, iOS 15 Issues with signing and expired account, any connection?

ios15 xcode13

Safari iOS 15 video issue

html ios iphone ios15

On iOS 15, the UIHostingController is adding some weird extra padding to its hosting SwiftUI view (_UIHostingView)

UIButton image behavior changed in iOS 15?

ios uibutton ios15

Weird Shortcuts problem on iOS 15 and WatchOS 8

Setting pointer-events dynamically on iOS 15 Safari is unreliable and unpredictable

ATTrackingManager stopped working in iOS 15

swift ios15

In iOS 15, 'throwing -10878' occurs many times when connecting AVAudioPlayerNode to mainMixerNode

swift avfoundation ios15

Must translate autoresizing mask into constraints to have _setHostsLayoutEngine:YES Xcode 13

iOS 15 Untrusted Developer issue

xcode apple-developer ios15

How to use UIWindowScene.windows on iOS 15? [duplicate]

Command CompileSwiftSources failed with a nonzero exit code XCode 13

ios swift xcode ios15 xcode13

Xcode doesn’t support iOS 15.0

ios15 xcode12.5

Extra padding above table view headers in iOS 15

ios uitableview ios15