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New posts in internationalization

Localizing in Xcode 4 with Localizable.String

Is there a good flag icon pack that corresponds to ISO-3166 Country Codes? [closed]

What does I18N safe mean?

Date formatting based on user locale on android

Regex to match Egyptian Hieroglyphics [closed]

Should I use accented characters in URLs?

Difference between CurrentCulture, InvariantCulture, CurrentUICulture and InstalledUICulture

Are email addresses allowed to contain non-alphanumeric characters?

jQuery Datepicker localization

Multiple languages in an ASP.NET MVC application?

Floating Point Number parsing: Is there a Catch All algorithm?

How to check whether a file is valid UTF-8?

What is the actual differences between I18n/L10n/G11n and specifically what does each mean for development? [duplicate]

How to support Arabic text in Android?

Best practice javascript and multilanguage

HTML meta tag for content language

Simplified and Traditional Chinese vs Regions

Rails I18n, check if translation exists?

Ruby method to remove accents from UTF-8 international characters

How to internationalize/localize a JSP/Servlet web application?