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New posts in implicits

Is there any advantage to using Mapper vs Implicit Operators?

ambigious implicits

scala implicits

Function implicit parameters not any more so after passing it to a higher order function

How to add a factory method to an existing Java class in Scala

java scala implicits

Scala: How can an import prevent finding an implicit value?

Context bounds with two generic parameters

scala implicits

How can I "pimp my library" with Scala in a future-proof way?

Scala - Co/Contra-Variance as applied to implicit parameter selection

Scala named and default arguments in conjunction with implicit parameters

Distinction between type aliases and type lambdas

scala types scalaz implicits

Scala view application puzzler

scala types implicits

"can't existentially abstract over parameterized type..."

Type classes in Scala

How to define type lambda properly?

Creating instances of a covariant type class from instances of a non-covariant one

False errors when using cats library in IntelliJ

Other programming languages that support implicits "a la Scala"

"Cannot find an implicit ExecutionContext" error in scala.js example app.

scala scala.js implicits

Conditions under which compiler will not define implicits (constructor, destructor, copy constructor, copy assignment) [duplicate]

What is a diverging implicit expansion error?

scala implicits