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New posts in image-processing

How to estimate exposure time for camera to take a good image from a scene

extract characters in sequence matlab

How can I prove that this edge traversing algorithm works?

Objective-C: Get Scaled Cropped Image from UIScrollView

Isn't there a OpenCV Cuda function similar to findContours?

Is there a way to evaluate how much noise it is on a image in OpenCV?

Extraction of Plankton using Segmentation with Matlab

Image classification in Caffe always returns same class

How to segment part of an image so that the edges are smooth?

OpenCV - Read a gray scale or monochrome image with alpha channel

Detecting balls on a pool table

Better algorithm than MultiRANSAC for finding ellipses in powder diffraction images?

ImageMagick Crop Tall image into A4 PDF pages with same width dynamic height

How to extract only characters from image?

OpenCV Seamless Cloning shift position after finish the process

Automatic Adjustment of brightness, contrast and sharpness of a bitmap image

Weird output while finding entropy of frames of a video in opencv

How to reduce colors to a specified palette

Split resize algorithm into two passes