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New posts in icommand

How to implement ICommand without parameters

What is the reason for ICommand in Mvvm?

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How do I pass Nullable<Boolean> value to CommandParameter?

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RelayCommand in C#

Dotfuscator CE Build Error: External type not found System.Windows.Input.ICommand,PresentationCore

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MVVM Execute Command on ViewModel from other ViewModel

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MVVM (ICommand) in Silverlight

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Are there any performance implications with CanExecuteCommand?

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Updated title: Why ICommand.CanExecute is getting called all the time, instead of working like an event?

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How to close a ChildWindow with Cancel button using MVVM Light Toolkit

Saving a WPF canvas as an image following MVVM Pattern

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Button Command CanExecute not called when property changed

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WPF MVVM - Unit Testing a command - Private vs Public methods?

Is the common implementation of RelayCommand violating the MVVM pattern?

WPF and MVVM. Binding Events

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Async ICommand implementation

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ICommand Dependency Property

What comes first - Command or EventHandler?

How to bind a Command to double-click on a row in DataGrid

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