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IBInspectable with Cocoa Touch Framework not working? (code attached)

IBDesignable and multiple targets in Swift

Clear IBDesignable views have black background

Why doesn't my IBDesignable allow me to use setImage: on my custom UIButton?

IBDesignable UIButton Subclass

xcode xcode6 ibdesignable

@IBDesignable - @IBInspectable, class not key value coding-compliant

Using IBDesignable and prepareForInterfaceBuilder with a UILabel

Making NSArray IBInspectable

@IBDesignable view doesn't draw background color inside Interface Builder

IBDesignables, no suitable image found, required code signature missing

xcode ibdesignable

IBDesignable UIViewController

IBDesignable never finishes updating UITableViewCell in storyboard

Xcode 9: Using named colors with IBDesignable and IBInspectable results in Interface Builder error, but compiles without issue

Round Corners UIView in Swift 4

Make a fixed size UIView, like UISwitch (using IBDesignable)

ios uiview resize ibdesignable

Controlling the targets Interface Builder builds for IB_DESIGNABLE / IBDesignable

Configuring @IBInspectable Attribute Inspector controls

ios xcode macos ibdesignable