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New posts in httpwebrequest

Proxy with HTTP Requests

PowerShell Invoke-WebRequest throws WebCmdletResponseException

How does an asp.net page know which button triggered a postback?

asp.net httpwebrequest

HttpWebResponse - disposing of a connection properly

Post Username and Password to login page programmatically

HTTPWebResponse Raw Response, using Reflection

What is the difference between IsPostBack, IsAsync and IsCallback?

Concurrent web request performance issues

Why does it show question marks on the message box instead of text

c# .net httpwebrequest

Problems with PayPal API Http call

PayPal API, HttpWebRequest throws SSL WebException

c# ssl paypal httpwebrequest

sending binary file byte array to web api method

Simple HttpWebRequest over SSL (https) gives 404 Not Found under C#

.net-3.5 ssl httpwebrequest

How can I get a value from a HTTP Request from a windows forms client

c# php httpwebrequest

HttpWebRequest via C# and UTF-8 charset

401 Unauthorized returned on GET request (https) with correct credentials

How do I get headers from a 401 Server Error

c# .net httpwebrequest

HttpWebRequest is not sending Headers

C# How do I pass more than just IAsyncResult into AsyncCallback?

Sending NameValueCollection to http request C#

c# httpwebrequest