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New posts in httpbackend

AngularJS testing: Mocking $httpBackend - Handling Success and Error Methods

$httpBackend.flush() method throws Error: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting

AngularJS - What's the point of mocking data via $httpBackend?

Unit testing AngularJS with $httpBackend gives "Error: Unexpected Request"

Make $httpBackend ignore any requests made to server

Multiple sequential httpBackend requests cause unexpected request

TypeError: $browser.cookies is not a function [duplicate]

How to flush AngularJS $httpBackend responses in different order

How to actually reset $httpBackend expectations?

Print request in httpBackend API mock module in Protractor

Testing backend API via $http in AngularJS/karma/jasmine tests?

How do I mock $http in AngularJS service Jasmine test?

How do I expect an HTTP request NOT to be made?

angularjs httpbackend

Protractor with Angular Mocks Throws "Window Not Defined"

Get error when try to use jasmine and angular

$httpBackend with request with query param

angularjs httpbackend