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New posts in hsqldb

How can I see table structure in HSQLDB?


Startup script to create a schema in HSQLDB

hibernate spring hsqldb

Embedded HSQLDB persist data to a file

hsqldb spring-jdbc

Failed to get driver instance

HSQLDB cryptic exception message: "feature not supported"

java sql exception jdbc hsqldb

Hibernate @generatedvalue for HSQLDB

java hibernate orm jpa hsqldb

Junit with HSQL/H2 without Spring/Hibernate

Link a sequence with to an identity in hsqldb

sql sequence hsqldb

Check if ResultSet is empty in Java [duplicate]

java jdbc hsqldb

HSQLDB ROWNUM compatibility with Oracle

oracle hsqldb rownum

Storing UUID in HSQLDB database

java uuid hsqldb

HSQLDB object name already exists


HSQLDB SQLException: Out of memory establishing database connection

java hsqldb

Has HSQLDB some mechanism to save in-memory data to file?


Proper pagination in a JOIN select

Property not mapped by JPA to column in DB

jpa-2.0 hsqldb

Execute Trigger on View?

How can I start and keep running hsqldb in server mode from within my web application?

java hsqldb

how to connect to a file based HSQLDB database with sqltool?


Unexpected token UNIQUE, requires COLLATION in statement [SET DATABASE UNIQUE])