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New posts in hmvc

Redirect to show_404 in Codeigniter from a partial view

Codeigniter 3 HMVC has been broken

HMVC and dynamic widgets

codeigniter hmvc

Trouble with HMVC modular extensions for CodeIgniter

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Is there any super controller or global controller in Codeigniter

codeigniter hmvc routes not working properly

codeigniter hmvc

Kohana 3.0's HMVC structure in layman's terms?

Architecture: API as core for a website & mobile-app

Using Ion Auth as a separate module in the HMVC structure

php codeigniter hmvc

CodeIgniter HMVC extends MX_Controller, unable to use get_instance properly

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How to implement HMVC in Laravel 4

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CodeIgniter and HMVC questions

Multiple models vs single model

Codeigniter HMVC + ion_auth trouble loading the config items

Hierarchic MVC in Rails 3?

CodeIgniter - Unable to access an error message corresponding to your field name Password.(pword_check)

Setting up Codeigniter HMVC with tank auth

codeigniter hmvc tankauth

How to implement HMVC in codeigniter 3.0?

hmvc codeigniter-hmvc

codeigniter+HMVC cross module call controller->method

php codeigniter hmvc