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hive - is it possible to create a column from another column

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Calculate number of days excluding sunday in Hive

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Joining two Tables in Hive using HiveQL(Hadoop) [duplicate]

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Apache Hive: How to convert string to timestamp?

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Cannot use a "." in a Hive table column name

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Hive: UDF and GROUP BY

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How to get the SerDe Properties of an existing Hive Table

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Adding a default value to a column while creating table in hive

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Error Loading CSV data into a Hive table

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Hive insert vs Hive Load: What are the trade offs?

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Need to add auto increment column in a table using hive

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HiveQL: Using query results as variables

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Using like operator to check for pattern in hive

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Hive insert into table from select statement with different schemas

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Obtain date from timestamp

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Hive Map-Join configuration mystery

Adding/Defining Jars in Hive permanently

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Get the sysdate -1 in Hive

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Hive- how do I "create table as select.." with partitions from original table?