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New posts in hibernate

Prevent Hibernate schema changes

Can you sort and search on same field with Hibernate/Lucene?

hibernate QueryException: could not resolve property in spring petclinic sample application

java spring hibernate jpa

Using lazy for properties in Hibernate

How to implement a generic method to get data from database with Hibernate?

java hibernate generics

How to return max of identity column via Hibernate accessing Oracle DB?

java sql oracle hibernate

Auto Increment in hibernate using oracle

java hibernate primary-key

400 Bad request with Hibernate @Valid

Spring transactions in scheduled task - detached entity error

Does Entity manager needs to be closed every query?

java hibernate jpa

Hibernate Full text Search Pagination

straight_join in JPA or HIBERNATE

Criteria query for unidirectional one-to-many relationship

Casting string column to date in hql

Hibernate Criteria: find entity if any of its children's children have a specific property

java hibernate hql criteria

java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect: localhost

java hibernate h2

hql query for getting record for last 12 hours

java sql hibernate

Is JPA enough to perform CRUD operations

java hibernate jpa

JPA Unidirectional @OnetoMany fails

Migrating to Hibernate 5