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Timestamp not updating in RoR application

Heroku and Rails: how to set utf-8 as the default encoding

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REST ful java web service on heroku?

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Rails 3.1 Possible Bug in Asset Pipeline and Uglifier

What are different web server options on Heroku?

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Django: Serving static, media fles directly from Heroku

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Heroku router errors H13 logged by LogEntries

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foreman start with a manual path

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Favicon shows up on rails local, not on hosted app

How to deploy meteor 0.6.0 + to heroku

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Why are my Authentication Emails not working? I get an "AuthenticationError"

Unable to push to Heroku after being able to do do

LookupError: Resource 'corpora/stopwords' not found

trouble deploying node.js app to heroku because of hard coded port number

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Getting Puma Postgres Server to Work in Development to Cooperate with Heroku, or does going back to Sqlite make sense?

No handlers could be found for logger "apscheduler.executors.default"?

Can I use DynamoDB through Heroku?

Devise confirm link redirects user to heroku domain not a custom domain

How to instruct Heroku NOT to run collectstatic automatically on deploy?

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Grails 3 and Heroku - stage task not found

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