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New posts in has-many-through

Rails 4 collection_check_boxes, with a has_many through

Adding and removing from a has_many :through relation

Create and update with nested models using strong parameters Rails

Rails 4: checkboxes with a has_many through

Rails 3 can't perform validation for persited object when use collection_singular_ids=ids method

Please explain the has_many, through: source: Rails Association

Rails and Globalize - join translation table of related model in scope

activerecord find through association

rails 3 has_many :through record save error

Rails nested attributes - how to add category attribute to new product?

Editing many-to-many relations in Activeadmin

has_many :through questions

Specifying the foreign key in a has_many :through relationship

How can one obtain a row count from has_many :through relations with :uniq => true

How do you get a list from complex active record has_many involved from a subset of downstream objects

ruby on rails after_remove, after_add callbacks on has_many :through

Rails model with two polymorphic has_many through: associations for object tagging

How to create a form for hasManyThrough relationship, with pivot, in a Laravel5 view

laravel has-many-through

Self "HABTM" or "HasMany Through" concept confusion