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New posts in hamcrest

Is there a Hamcrest matcher to check that a Collection is neither empty nor null?

java junit matcher hamcrest

Hamcrest matcher for checking return value of method in collection

java hamcrest

How do I compare doubles using JUnit and Hamcrest?

java junit hamcrest

Testing content of list ignoring some of the fields

Java 8 - retry a method until a condition is fulfilled (in intervals)

java java-8 hamcrest

Is there any Hamcrest Matcher for java.util.Optional?

Test that either one thing holds or another in AssertJ

hamcrest assertj

Hamcrest When to use Is or equalTo

java hamcrest

opposite of contains in hamcrest

java hamcrest

Ant + JUnit: NoClassDefFoundError

What is the idiomatic Hamcrest pattern to assert that each element of an iterable matches a given matcher?

java idioms hamcrest

Mixing Hamcrest and TestNG

java testng hamcrest

How to verify Map size using Hamcrest

java junit hamcrest

How to use Hamcrest to inspect Map items

junit hamcrest

How to compile Kotlin unit test code that uses hamcrest 'is'

Hamcrest - what version to use? 1.3 or 2

java junit hamcrest

hamcrest hasItem and hasProperty, assert if a object with property value exists

java unit-testing hamcrest

Hamcrest Date Matchers

java date hamcrest

How to assertThat String is not empty

NoSuchMethodError with Hamcrest 1.3 & JUnit 4.11