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New posts in guava

How to create a TreeMultimap from an Iterable/Collection?

java guava

Send record and wait for its acknowledgement to receive

Add/extend behavior of Future created by ListeningExecutorService

java guava

Converting a List<String> to a List<Integer> (or any class that extends Number)

Why does Guava's TypeToken<T>.getRawType() return Class<? super T> instead of Class<T>

java generics guava

Guava caching refreshAfterWrite confusion

java caching guava future

Why aren't Guava ImmutableCollections interfaces?

java guava immutability

Why does ImmutableSet allow duplicates, but ImmutableMap does not

java duplicates guava

SEVERE: Could not dispatch event: Eventbus com.google.common.eventbus.SubscriberExceptionContext

java spring guava

indirect jar conflict between spring-security-rest and guava causing NoSuchMethod error

wget not working to download jar file from maven repo

java maven jar wget guava

How to get all values from guava LoadingCache without passing any keys

java caching guava

How to map a value back to an enum?

java enums guava

Does guava have a method for turning an iterable into a map of unique types?

java guava

Guava CacheBuilder or MapMaker with Weak/Soft usage

java caching guava

ImmutableList.builder() bug?

java guava

Datastax Cassandra Driver throwing CodecNotFoundException

Guava LoadingCache: Why use refreshAfterWrite and expireAfterWrite together

Using Guava with GWT

gwt guava

Issue creating ImmutableMap with Class<?> as key