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Find/Filter the lists with a specific key-value pair from a JSON ARRAY (list of maps)

How to check whether the input is a number or string by using isNan() in groovy

Use groovy category in groovy shell

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groovy + shell : Escaping characters

GroovyShell: embedded execution

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GroovyShell in Java8 : memory leak / duplicated classes [src code + load test provided]

How to add imports to groovysh on startup?

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Why groovyConsole supports `def name = "Neo"` while groovysh does not [duplicate]

Grails shell not seeing domain objects

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Which maven dependency to include for evaluating groovy scripts in java application

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Java vs. Groovy inner / outer class discrepancy

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groovy beginner- how to remove a variable from memory in groovy shell

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Running a script from Groovy

How to add multiple jars to the classpath of groovyConole/groovysh?

difference between int and Integer type in groovy

Using GroovyShell as "expression evaluator/engine" (or: How to reuse GroovyShell)

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MissingPropertyException in groovysh

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How to list all binding variables with GroovyShell

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