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New posts in grand-central-dispatch

Swift iOS -how to cancel DispatchGroup() from managing a loop

The effects of heavy thread consumption on ARM (4-core A72) vs x86 (2-core i5)

NSManagedObjectContext and GCD

On Cocoa Touch/UIKit, how to detect changes to the user interface from a background thread?

How to use dispatch_sync correctly?

NSExpression based Core Data fetch does not retrieve current values (iOS 5, GCD)

Does dispatching to a queue that's owned by an object retain that object? [duplicate]

semaphore: Not seeing my callback methods invoked, deadlock

Dispatch call to main queue inside UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier

Scrolling UICollectionView blocks main thread

Swift: can I add and subtract `dispatch_time_t` variables?

perform simultaneous operations based on the some conditions in swift

Swift app using DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations:) no longer runs concurrently under Mac OS Sierra

How to perform multiple asynchronous requests starting one after another

What is the purpose of nesting dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()^{}) ?

Updating UI elements in a background thread before being added to a view

How to update data on the main thread after running code in the background?

GCD dispatch_io API for networking on iOS: discouraged?

Why is ARC complaining about dispatch_queue_create and dispatch_release in iOS 6?

What will happen if I have nested dispatch_async calls?