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New posts in gradle-plugin

Move toward j8 and Jack. Gradle sync Error

Gradle task `bootrun` setup in IntelliJ

Unable to resolve a plugin using the new plugin mechanism in Gradle

gradle gradle-plugin

How to inject dependencies in Gradle Plugin in Gradle recommended way?

what is Alternative of android.enableD8=false because it is deprecated

Google Drive API 403 Forbidden error if i upgrade to Gradle Plugin v3.5.0

Project cannot be compiled after upgrading to gradle:2.1.0-alpha5

Gradle: add plugin dependency from another plugin

gradle groovy gradle-plugin

Pass liquibase parameters to gradle liquibase 'update' task

Gradle java-platform plugin and platform definition

gradle gradle-plugin

Configure Jacoco with gradle and kotlin DSL

Can't use Android Gradle Plugin 3.0.+ with IntelliJ IDEA

Android Studio 4.0.2 Gradle Error: No value has been specified for property 'enableGradleWorkers'