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New posts in google-plus

How does Google+ Sign-In Compare to googleappengine.api.user signin?

How to integrate Amazon Cognito with Google Plus for Android?

Sign Out From Google plus Account Not Working in android, Showing Null Pointer Exception

android google-plus

How to refresh authentication.idToken with GIDSignIn or GIDAuthentication?

Google+ unable to insert moment

oauth google-plus

Android PlusClient implementation & getting a token

Unknown GoogleAuthException while trying to get an authorization token

Regeneration of "one time authorization code" for Google+ on Android

Android - How to open the Hangout app from a Hangout URL displayed in the webview?

Will people.get method be affected by Google+ API deprecation?

Post on Google+ Stream using Google+ API


Where to get a google branded disonnect button?

button google-plus logout

Google+ share link doesn't show Description?

Google Hangouts website button

Get Visitors Name from Logged In Social Networks

Cannot get private birthday from Google Plus account although explicit request

Access Not Configured. +1 API

With Google+ being shutdown, is the OAuth API gone too?

Android: pin TabLayout to top of Scrollview

How to customize GIDSignInButton login Image in new Google+ iOS SDK?