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New posts in google-plus

Android Studio not rendering the SignInButton <item> tag requires a 'android:color' attribute

android google-plus

Google+ sign in for iOS9

Displaying Google Plus user profile picture in Android app

android google-plus

Google Plus API - Cannot Handle Token Prior to Certain Date

Attach a click() event to the google plus button?

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google plus interactive post callback

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Removing the "\ufeff" from the end of object -> content in Google+ API json result

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Post to a Google Plus page

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How to set the white color to google+ log in button?

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iOS Google Plus API - Sharing or Logging In without going to Safari

Getting user info Google-PHP-Client issue?

Dependency apache HTTP client in android with Google APIs

Where can I find the Google+ API?


Google Plus API GPPSignIn error code "Mismatched authentication"

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Google+ login redirect_uri_mismatch error

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Android - how to set text for google+ signin button after authenticated

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How to fetch a profile picture of a Google Plus account?

Hijack page scrolling like Google Plus?

G+ signin on android throws INVALID_CLIENT_ID

error 12500 in google sign in 8.3.0 when requesting ".requestServerAuthCode"

android google-plus