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New posts in google-chrome-extension

Can't install my custom chrome extension crx_magic_number_invalid

Include ttf files in chrome extension content script

Google Chrome exstension chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener

--load-extension parameter for chrome doesn't work

Is there a way to uniquely identify an iframe that the content script runs in for my Chrome extension?

Chrome Extension: executeScript on tab

chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener Not working

Chrome extension as static server

Chrome extension options not calling javascript file

Chrome extension history API not showing all results?

Firefox / Chrome / MS Edge extensions using chrome.* or browser.*

How do I reach variables in a chrome extension popup localStorage from content scripts?

Why can Tampermonkey's GM_xmlhttpRequest perform a CORS request?

Open the extension's options.html page in new tab when clicking on extension icon

Why am I getting this error chrome-extension://invalid

Chrome extension content script not injecting to the DOM when built with ReactJS

How to create custom google chrome extension for new window And keep focus the new window in alternative click of extension

Google Chrome Extention in Blazor

How to inject code into facebook/google web page using extensions?

How to generate the appID for a Google Chrome Extension [duplicate]