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New posts in gitignore

Can .gitignore files be named ? (e.g. xxx.gitignore)

git github gitignore

What happens to gitignored, untracked files when pulling them from the remote repo?

git gitignore

How to gitignore a particular Java file or any folder or any XML file in Android project?

android git gitignore

Why is a .gitignore needed for unity projects on Github?

git unity3d github gitignore

How can I get the equivalent of .hgignore's regular expressions ^var/(?!\log|.dummy) and ^var/log/(?!\.dummy) in .gitignore?

Allow node.exe and ignore all other .exe

git gitignore

How do I keep my local version of files, without using .gitignore?

git git-svn gitignore

Do not ignore files in git sourcetree

.gitignore does not apply to the .cxx folder

what should be the best gitignore for grails3.1.x?

grails gitignore grails-3.1

Git: Ignore untracked files in submodule

gitignore settings included in commit

git commit gitignore

Git is not using the contents of .gitignore

How to ignore a file or directory in git, be it tracked, untracked or even part of commit

git ignore gitignore

TortoiseGit: add to ignore already commited gen and bin folder

git gitignore tortoisegit

.gitignore isn't ignoring my files

Why is git stash removing my node_modules folder?