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Git svn clone: Is it possible to resume after error Malformed XML: no element found?

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git-svn: is there a way to get it to play nice with submodules, or ignore them?

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Publishing a "git svn" repo

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How can you use git-svn to clone parts of an SVN repo, but still get all the branches


git-svn "Couldn't find revmap for"

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Git: Unable to determine upstream SVN information from HEAD history

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git-svn trying to commit to wrong branch

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git-svn: how to change the svn username on dcommit?


using git to clone a CodePlex project that uses SVN

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How to include other folders within the @INC for Perl? (Was: `Can't locate Git.pm in @INC` for svn2git)

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git-svn: Is there a good branching and merging pattern?

git svn clone: <file> was not found in commit <sha>

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Install git or update git without apt-get or yum

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How to reinitialize a git-svn repository

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Using git and svn with multiple developers

git-svn and local branches

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Git Svn dcommit error - restart the commit

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Convert SVN Subdirectory to Git

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