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New posts in git-submodules

Pushing all submodules recursively

git git-submodules

Deleting all Git cached submodules from repository

git git-submodules

How do I setup my Git repositories for Android development in Eclipse?

Pushing submodules recursively throws "fatal: src refspec must name a ref" if containing project is not on master branch

git git-submodules

Error after removing submodule: The following path is ignored by one of your .gitignore files:

git git-submodules

How can I rename a git repository with submodules?

GitPython: how to commit updated submodule

Shallow clone with submodules in git, how to use pointed commits and not latest ones? [duplicate]

How to properly manage a git repo in a subdirectory, ignored by the parent directory, as its own project?

git vagrant git-submodules

Repository with submodules after rewriting history of submodule

git git-submodules

What are the drawbacks to setting git's submodule.recurse config option to true?

git git-submodules

Git Submodules: It is possible to provide both https and ssh access to submodules?

git ssh git-submodules

Git submodule pull request work flow

How can I mirror a directory in a git repo into another git repo?

How to do git sub modules and why to use git sub module

Avoiding pylint complaints when importing Python packages from submodules

How to exclude a specific git submodule from update?

git submodule foreach - Robust way to recursively commit a child module first?

git foreach git-submodules

Can I "uninitialize" a git submodule?

git git-submodules