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New posts in geospatial

SQL Server Geography vs DbGeography

shapefile and matplotlib: plot polygon collection of shapefile coordinates

How can I sort a coordinate list for a rectangle counterclockwise?

How to use linear interpolation estimate current position between two Geo Coordinates?

How can I extend this SQL query to find the k nearest neighbors?

Need an advice of framework for path on map validation

Is there a reason that Cassandra doesn't have Geospatial support?

How would I generalize multiple adjacent polygons?

A reverse of Haversine formula for MySQL?

How to rotate left or right in Cesium Map based on view bounds

How can ggplot2 keep jittered locations within a map boundary, such as a US state?

r ggplot2 geospatial grob

GDAL : Reprojecting netCDF file

PHP MySql and geolocation

How can I write a GEOTIFF in Java?

java gis geospatial tiff geotiff

Discrete Global Grid in R

MYSQL Geo Search having distance performance

Convert between SqlGeometry and DbGeometry

c# geospatial sqlgeometry

Datatype to Store Longitude/Latitude in Mysql

Why use st_intersection rather than st_intersects?

r geospatial sf topology

Inserting coordinates into MySQL - PolyFromText SQL syntax error / returning null