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New posts in geofencing

How do I implement a draggable, resizable polygon on Google Maps in React Native?

Android Geofencing (Polygon)

Android geofencing API BroadcastReceiver not triggered

Geofences not working when app is killed

How to draw a polygon around a polyline in JavaScript?

How to add background service in Geofence android

Android LocationServices.GeofencingApi example usage

Geofencing : HTTP request failed while sending through the background service. Gives UnknownHostException

Are Android geofences surviving a reboot?

Do Android Geofences get removed if the app is killed by the user?

android geofencing

What is the maximum and minimum radius that can be set for regions in iOS geofencing

Is geofencing completely unusable in Android?

Handling multiple geofences transition with common area

Testing geofencing with Google Play Services 6.5.+

iOS Geofence CLCircularRegion monitoring. locationManager:didExitRegion does not seem to work as expected

Tracking multiple (20+) locations with iOS geofencing

iOS - CoreLocation and geofencing while app is closed