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New posts in geocoding

Using geonames service locally

Match a GeoShape/Polygon document with a GeoPoint query in ElasticSearch

R: split-apply-combine for geographic distance

Google Maps Find Nearest Utilities

google-maps geocoding

Handling geocoding in Firebase?

geocoding firebase geofire

How do I enter an "empty" POINT() geometry value into a MySQL field of type POINT?

API to convert lat lon to NYC neighborhood

Hitting rate limit for google maps API, But don't know why

Geo Coding Address - get district of a certain address (Google API)

SQL query to calculate coordinate proximity

sql geocoding

Given a latitude and longitude, and distance, I want to find a bounding box

Is there way to do batch geocoding (get lat/lon by address and vice-versa)? [closed]

Reverse Geocoding using google maps api iOS

Rails inner join combined with geocoding gem

ruby-on-rails geocoding

Should I use SqlGeometry or SqlGeography?

How do I query for entities that are "nearby" with the GeoPt property in Google App Engine?

Extract Coordinates from KML BatchGeo File with Python

python lxml geocoding kml pykml

Get places in radius of a certain point using SQL geography

Polygon geofencing with iOS

Database storage of longitude/latitude values in SQL Server: decimal(2, ?)

sql sql-server types geocoding