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New posts in geo

Pre-projected geometry v getting the browser to do it (aka efficiency v flexibility)

Translate Exif DMS to DD Geolocation with Python

iPhone geo radius search; Use Core Data or SQLite?

Using WHERE clause to find POI within a range of distance from Longitude and Latitude

mysql sql gps geometry geo

How to remove an item from a redis geohash?

hash redis geo redis-3.2

MKMapKit and the IOS4

iphone mapkit geo ios4

d3 v4 geo draws boundary inverted

javascript d3.js svg geo

Calculate the mid point of latitude and longitude co-ordinates

Maximum length of a decimal latitude/longitude Degree?

SQL Server : Geography search performance - query nearest stores

Is there any free/paid geo data service available? [closed]

database web-services api geo

Google Geolocation API library

Simplifying D3js' SVG path generated string

ggplot of Dymaxion/Airocean (icosahedral) map projection

r ggplot2 gis projection geo

gtrendsR geo MSA/Area Code

r geo gtrendsr

Accessing Leaflet.js GeoJson features from outside

How can I determine if a point is hidden on a projection?

Geopy: calculating GPS heading / bearing

python python-3.x gps geo geopy

MongoDB How to find which polygon contains a specified Point?

mongodb geometry point geo